Flower of Culture

Welcome to my little corner of the web! I will be discussing language, culture and art here.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Ger Camps

The land is beautiful - green and brown, it rolls gradually and stretches as far as you can see. Mountains loom at the horizon, gray and hazy.

The hillside is dotted with yurts -- white tents that come to a point at the top. It is Mongolia - a land steeped in old traditions, where the rural people still live the simple, hardworking lifestyle they did centuries ago.

Men, women and children are at work in the outdoors, many on horseback. They herd shaggy Bactrian camels and scrawny goats. They are friendly, healthy and down-to earth, dressed in long colorful robes and exotic scalloped hats. In a place where the climate is cold and barren, vegetables cannot grow, and even wheat is scarce. The people live on meat and koumiss, milk from their highly prized mares.

The more I hear of Mongolia's nomad life the more fascinated I am. Someday, perhaps I'll go there, but until then I can experience it only by the internet and other media.

Mongolian language

The first thing I noticed when I first saw transliterated Mongolian was its relation to Finnish and some other similar European languages. Mongolian uses the Cyrillic alphabet though, unlike Finnish. It's not a language I plan to tackle soon (bi mongol khel medekhguy) but it's very interesting - I'd love to hear it spoken someday.


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