Flower of Culture

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Saturday, June 10, 2006


How can people possibly view the Iranian people with such prejudice and fear? The Persian culture is one of the most beautiful in the world - gentle, hospitable to the extreme, cultured and educated, warm and friendly. The Iranians are a peace loving people and quick to open their hearts even to strangers.

To bomb their beautiful country, to destroy their homes and main or kill their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children, cousins, to reduce the exquisite cities and peaceful villages to smoldering rubble, to make these people live in horrendous fear of raids or shootings, fearful even to leave their houses -- how could that be anything less than a heartless crime of humongous proportions? And yet this is what we have done to Iraq, without shame or remorse, and what will hold us back from doing this to Iran too?

John Negroponte said "We don't have a clear-cut knowledge but the estimate we have made is some time between the beginning of the next decade and the middle of the next decade they might be in a position to have a nuclear weapon." And according to him, this is why we must invade Iran immediately.

I.e., based on our speculations that are not based in fact, Iran might be in a position in more than ten years from now to have a nuclear weapon, should they suddenly have that desire (in spite of the fact that the Iranian government has said over and over and over that they have no intention of building a nuclear weapon.) And that means we must invade now??????

Add to that the hypocracy in that the United States has thousands of nuclear weapons of many varieties and is the only country that had ever used them on another country!!!! Who has proven themselves the greater threat?

Readers, educate yourselves - learn about the Iranian people, their culture and way of life. Learn how much they're like your loved ones and the people you see all around you, and learn about the beautiful and unique aspects of their culture. Throw aside your fears and prejudices and discover for yourselves the beauty of the Persian culture. And then you will know what a terrible crime it would be to bomb, maim, kill, and occupy them.

And when you have learned this, stand up and your voice to the thousands demanding that Bush leave these people alone. Join a protest, and educate those around you!


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